What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


CBT is a specific form of psychotherapy that looks at the link between a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. CBT can be useful in identifying and changing unhelpful or unhealthy patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

What is Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)?

  • Rational Mind

    Focuses on facts, research, planning, past experience, knowledge, intellect, ignores emotion.

    When operating from the rational mind we are viewing the world rationally and focusing our attention on observable facts and phenomenon only. Approaching life and relationships purely from this mindset could be viewed as cold, detached, and emotionless.

  • Emotional Mind

    Focuses on what feels good, is reactive or defensive, uses emotions to make decisions.

    When operating from the emotional mind we are basing our opinions and behaviour on how we feel as opposed to what we may think. It is difficult to remain objective and behaviours are governed by internal emotional states. Approaching life and relationships purely from this mindset could be viewed as chaotic, disorganised, and irrational.

  • Wise Mind

    In order to restore balance the DBT model aims to merge the rational and emotional mind into what is referred to as the Wise Mind. The Wise Mind integrates reason with emotion by drawing on ones direct experience and current cognition, while also incorporating the meaning, significance and truth of the event.

    “There is a wisdom of the head, and… a wisdom of the heart.” Charles Dickens.